another DNS migration question - moved DNS but still shows old as primary?


so I waited until I saw the router 53 servers showing as DNS for one of my least important domains, and then removed dyndns\oracle from DNS at the host level. but - for Primary DNS and responsible email it still shows dydns. is there another place I need to change that, or did I miss a step somewhere?

SOA TTL 21600 Primary NS Responsible Email

asked a year ago244 views
1 Answer

What is the domain name in question?

In general, if you have a TLD (top level domain) registered with a Registrar A, have it hosted with a DNS Hosting Provider B, and then create a new hosted zone for the same TLD with a DNS Hosting Provider C, with the intention to use this new hosted zone, you need to:

a) Update A, with nameservers for your hosted zone provided by C b) Wait for upto 48 hours before deleting hosted zone in B

On Linux, you can verify this by running whois <domain name> and it should display the namservers for the TLD provided to the registrar. These should match the ones provided by C.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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