AWS Control Tower failed to set up your landing zone completely


I decommissioned the landing zone a while back and I am trying to create a new one. I followed the manual cleanup steps as outlined here.

The issue I am having is that I am getting: "AWS Control Tower failed to deploy one or more stack set instances b/c AWSControlTowerExecution role is not authorized to perform: logs:DeleteLogGroup on resource: arn:aws:logs:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXX:log-group:/aws/lambda/aws-controltower-NotificationForwarder:log-stream: with an explicit deny in a service control policy" and I currently have no SCPs in place other than FullAWSAccess.

When I check the CloudFormation, I see similar complaints about SCPs preventing deletion of certain log groups. I appreciate any insight regarding the issue.

asked a year ago756 views
2 Answers

Did you check the correct organizational unit(OUs) or member account? If you go to your management account - AWS Organizations - Policies - Service control policies. What can you see?

profile picture
answered a year ago
  • Yup, I checked the SCPs and it's showing only FullAWSAccess in place both at the root and all child nodes of the org tree.


Try the following:

Add the logs:DeleteLogGroup permission for arn:aws:logs:${region}

answered a year ago
  • Attach that action on that resource to what principal? If you mean AWSControlTowerExecution, it already has admin level permissions as created by Control Tower.

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