I would like to stop an active service and cannot find it


I have some billing for an active service that I am not using nor cant find it in AWS console to stop and delete it. It is a Amazon Relational Database Service Backup Storage.Enter image description here

2 Answers

First, make sure you are looking at the Stockholm region, where the costs are appearing. There are 2 ways to get backups in RDS. You can manually request a snapshot in the RDS console. There are also RDS Automated Backups. These you can adjust the settings per database.

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 3 months ago

Hi olserra,

Please try this solution,

first you should stop unnecessary RDS backup charges.

Stop New Backups:

  1. Open RDS console.
  2. Choose your database/cluster.
  3. Click "Modify."
  4. Set "Automated backup retention period" to "0 days."
  5. Click "Apply." (This stops creating new backups).

Delete Old Backups (if needed):

  1. Go to "Snapshots" section.
  2. Select unwanted snapshots.
  3. Click "Delete." (This permanently deletes selected backups).

Keep at least one recent backup for emergencies.

If you need more information AWS Backup please look at AWS Document Link below.


answered 3 months ago

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