Workdocs storage quota exceeded


I am using 2 Workspaces and sharing data from one of the associated 50GB Workdocs between these. The problem is that with the file versions being retained the 50Gb is now full and the application I need is unable to run. I hadn't realised that the default retention period is 60 days. I have cleared the recycle bin and also changed the retention period to first 10 days and then down to just 1 day to try to free up space. None of these things have helped. It is now over 48 hours since I changed the retention period to 10 days and 24 hours since I changed it to 1 day. When and how does this new retention period kick in?

Can I forcefully remove the old versions of files?

I would gladly increase the size of the workdocs from 50Gb to 1TB but I cannot see how to do this! All the documentation says this can be done and that Workspace users get a preferential rate of $2 per user but I cannot find where to do this. Do I need to create a whole new Workdocs site? If so, how do I link this to the current users and how do I transfer data between the old and new Workdocs?? The Simple AD created when I setup the Workspace/Workdocs is - this seems necessary but I really don't know how to use it with a new Workdocs site.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am extremely frustrated trying to sort this!!

asked 5 years ago631 views
1 Answer

I determined how to increase the storage for a Workdocs site allocated via a Workspace. I thought I would post this here in case others have the same problem as this is not documented as far as I can see.

The problem is that the admin user for the Workdocs does not have sufficient rights to change the storage quota. To fix this, log in to the Workdocs site and got to control panel. Edit the user for whom the quota is to be increased and change the user role from "WS User" to "Admin". Then change the storage from "Limited" to "Unlimited".

This basically enables the full 1TB to be available for this user for $2 per month.

answered 5 years ago

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