How can I export my https server in only VPN?


Hi all,

I have an on-premise server, ubuntu. It is connected to a specific VPN and the on-premise Ubuntu is connected to the VPN with openVPN client. I made a request to make a domain name for it to DevOps team, and I opened a server on ubuntu with nginx and make a self-signed (with openSSL) certification with the domain namd for ssl. I signed it manually but certification doesn't work. The manual way didn't make any error but the browser block the domain name. And when I use Let's Encrypt, certbot showed me an error about denied permission with botocore and my aws credential.

I just wanna use a domain name only in the vpn not an ip number with a browser. But my nginx server is working with only ipnumber Is there any special way to open https in vpn? or should I make another request to the administrator?

1 Answer

Have you followed the following configuration settings?

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answered 10 months ago
  • Thank you for your answer. I already set the configuration. I checked the https and ssl is working with number-ip and Kubernetes dashboard port and Kubernetes CA... But my self-certification is not working.

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