My EC2 instance isn't reachable



I followed the Certification Tutorial "AWS Technical Essentials", I launched the "Employee Directory Application"; the EC2 instance launched succefully, but neither IP4 nor IP6 addresses open.

The Instance Status check is:

Status checksInfo

Status checks detect problems that may impair i-0aa0b62e7ed6b164b (EWA) from running your applications.

System status checks System reachability check passed Instance status checks Instance reachability check passed

I'm located in "Saudi Arabia"; though changed my region to Bahrain. didn't work so I changed to UAE. now USA after UAE failed too.

asked a year ago302 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

It may be better to mask account IDs and instance IDs as much as possible.

Now, what is the situation where you cannot access EC2?
Did you see any errors when you accessed EC2?
How do you connect to EC2?
Also, have you set up the necessary rules for inbound rules for EC2 security groups?

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • @Riku_Kobayashi

    Thanks for the warning.

    I didn't see any errors.

    Steps of launch:

    1-Access EC2 dashboard 2-Choose "instances" 3-Follow the same steps mentioned in the tutorial

  • Thanks for sharing the URL. However, I could not open that URL. So it would be very helpful if you could explain the detailed procedure in writing.

  • You are welcome. Here are the steps I did:

    1-Open "EC2 Dashboard" 2-Click "Launch Instance" 3-Give my instance a name 4-Do the same settings as the tutorial:

    -Application and OS Images (Amazon Machine Image): choosing "Amazon Linus" installed on "Amazon Linux 2 Kernel 5.10 AMI 2.0.20230612.0 x86_64 HVM"

    -Instance type: "t2.micro"

    -Key pair (login): "Proceed without key pair (not recommended)

    -Network settings: click edit then: #VPC: choosing the default VPC #Firewall security groups: I define 2 security rules, HTTP and HTTPS, with both having source type put to anywhere

  • -Configure Storage: gp2

    -Advanced Details: Made sure to include the script mentioned in the tutorial fully but changing the region:

    export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-west-2

  • Would it be possible for you to share the script as well? Also, do you want to open a web page from a browser as what you want to do? Do you want to connect to the OS via SSH?

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