Glacier IR expenses towards requests


I have only 1 file stored in Glacier IR storage class. I am not sure how was that file listed 1000 times. For e.g. this is my bill:

Amazon Simple Storage Service Requests-GIR-Tier2$0.01

$0.1 per 10,000 GET and all other requests to Glacier Instant Retrieval 1,087.000 Requests $0.01

I do not think I have downloaded or listed that file more than 1000 times. I will like to know how this charge is calculated.

asked 2 years ago237 views
1 Answer

GET and all other requests to Glacier Instant Retrieval 1,087.000 Requests

As shown above, AWS seems to have counted 1,087 GETs and all other requests.

It is not possible to go back in time, but CloudTrail allows you to see what kind of requests were made to the objects in the S3 bucket. (Please note that this Cloudtrail setup will cost you)

If there are still ongoing requests to the Glacier IR, you can use CloudTrail as described above to see the details of the requests.

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answered 2 years ago
  • Thanks for that info. I have enabled Cloudtrail logging for S3. But how do I query the files? May be using athena?

  • I found "Event history" link in cloudtrail console. It has "Create Athena Table" button. But I am not able to write a query that will return how and when the IR files were accessed.

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