How to Change my HomeFolder S3 Bucket in Appstream



I'm currently experimenting with AWS AppStream and find the feature quite intriguing. I've created an image containing the necessary programs and would like to use an S3 bucket as a HomeFolder.

However, I've encountered an issue: I want to use a separate S3 bucket for each department to maintain clarity. So far, I've only been able to use the default S3 bucket created by AppStream. I'd like to utilize my own S3 bucket, but I'm unsure how to make it work or if it's even possible.

I've already tried several approaches:

I created an S3 endpoint pointing to my own bucket using JSON.
I adjusted various policies found online and created an IAM role, then applied it to the fleet.
I experimented with VPC configuration, trying different policies and references to S3 buckets in the S3 endpoint.
I attempted to delete the S3 bucket created by AppStream to see if that would trigger any changes.
I tried creating a new image and including my own S3 bucket as the HomeFolder in the config.json.
I attempted to retrieve data from the AppStream instance using the AWS CLI, but it didn't work.

Is there a way to use my own S3 bucket as a HomeFolder as I envision, or is this functionality not supported?

I'm entirely new to the AWS realm, and it's highly probable that I'm overlooking something obvious :)

1 Answer

Currently you cannot use your own S3 bucket for HomeFolder. The HomeFolder is created by AppSteram for each user with a unique Amazon S3 prefix that uses a hash of the username within an S3 bucket for your account and region. After AppStream 2.0 creates the home folder in Amazon S3, it copies the accessed content in that folder from the S3 bucket to the fleet instance. This enables the user to access their home folder content quickly, from the fleet instance, during their streaming session.

profile pictureAWS
answered 5 months ago

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