Overview of active services



I was wondering if there is a place to find all the active services and their costs? I just launched a new instance and want to get an overview of all the associated costs.

Thanks in advance!

2 Answers

If you are looking for information about how much the services you are using cost you, there are a few tools for that, and you can choose which one works better for you, depending on the level of details you need.

I'd suggest you can use Cost Explorer for this - https://aws.amazon.com/aws-cost-management/aws-cost-explorer/ - it's a free tool if you simply use it in the console... (if you decide to query it programmatically, there may be extra charges for API calls that you'd be executing). You can Launch Cost Explorer from your billing console. Play around with filters and grouping options - the interface is quite intuitive. You can, for example, group by service; you can filter out specific services, and then group by usage types to dive deep.

However, if you want to see cost associated with each individual resource (e.g. let's assume you run 100 instances, and you want to know how much each costs you), the best way to do it would be through Cost and Usage Report (CUR) - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cur/latest/userguide/what-is-cur.html - you can create CUR with monthly, daily, or hourly granularity, and enable resource IDs column, to get to the most granular level of details about your billing.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 2 years ago


The service costs depends on the size, tier and various factors. The best place for you to estimate your costs for all the services that you would want to use is to look at Pricing Calculator: https://calculator.aws/#/ and you can create an estimate, and also you will get a view of all the services that are available across various regions. Not all services appear on all regions - so please check the region before you search for a service.

Thanks Arun

answered 2 years ago

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