AWS route 53 domain error cannot find the server


My domain was registered with AWS route 53 and functioning well when it was pointed to the Firebase server. However, I encountered an issue recently. I attempted to set up to use the name servers of my Lightsail instance, Unfortunately, after this change, the domain became completely inaccessible. Even when I attempted DNS lookup using tools like Dig, no records were found.

In an effort to resolve the problem, I deleted the previous hosted zone in Route 53 and created a new one. However, this step didn't rectify the issue. Could you please assist by resetting the DNS settings for the domain name back to its default configuration as it was when I initially purchased it? Your help in resolving this matter is greatly appreciated.

Error: Safari cannot find the server.

asked 10 months ago226 views
1 Answer

First you need to update the Name Servers for the domain. Navigate to Route 53 in the AWS Console, click Registered domains in the menu to the left. Click on your domain I assume. In the Actions drop down menu on right side click Edit name servers

Fetch the name servers in your new Hosted Zone and replace the values.

After this step you need to add the correct DNS record in the hosted zone, pointing to you Lightsail or Firebase server.

Hope it helps!

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answered 10 months ago

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