Jumpstart in Sagemaker does not work



I am new to SageMaker, I created a domain, and I have an execution role, although when I use Sagemaker studio I cannot see all functionalities, such as the resources button, jumpstart button, etc. I have enabled 'SageMaker Projects and JumpStart '. I am also attaching a photo of what my UI in the studio looks like. Enter image description here Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance

  • Have you tried to restart the Studio? in File -> shutdown all. And, open it again after it shutdown completely.

asked 2 years ago411 views
1 Answer

Hey! I ran into something similar before, you can try to shut down and restart the Studio environment which should force an update. Check out this link with the exact steps: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/latest/dg/studio-tasks-update-studio.html

answered 2 years ago

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