Sagemaker Studio Entries in AWS S3 Listing


When I entered aws s3 ls --profile admin-1, the AWS CLI displayed two Sagemaker Studio entries like these:

2023-11-01 16:13:02 sagemaker-studio-111122223333-XXXXXXXXXXX
2023-11-01 15:58:50 sagemaker-studio-111122223333-OOOOOOOOOOO

I did not use Sagemaker and wondered where these entries were originating from. When I checked the SageMaker console, I did not see any SageMaker domains.

asked 7 months ago176 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


As you mentioned there is no components exist, I presume you have verified in the region where the s3 files exist. It seems the SM studio might be created which could produce the support files in S3 by default and that would have been deleted after a while. I recommend to check CloudTrail Service to see if any SM APIs invoked within your account [1]. You might search the eventSource with SM to see the invokes if any.


[1] -

answered 7 months ago
  • Thank you for the answer. Yes, I noticed several events associated with Sagemaker by looking up the CloudTrail service.

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