domain not reachable from Android devices


Hi, I have registered a domain with Route 53. It points to an IP address of the application running as AWS EC2. I can reach it Mac, Windows, Android and iphone using chrome/firefox. However, some folks are not able to reach it from Android devices using browser. Any ideas what might be causing this. Many thanks for any pointers.

vm vm
asked 7 months ago163 views
1 Answer


I have seen similar cases in the past: it is probably due to some filtering (ip addresses, ports, dns names) implemented by the mobile operator of those mobile devices.

So, what I would suggest (if you can interact with one of those device owners) is to ask them to do 2 trials to reach your site with the failing device:

  1. when on mobile network
  2. when hooked to a wifi network where other devices (PCs, phones, etc.) can reach your site

So, you can confirm or not my initial hypothesis above. If correct, you will have to handle that with corresponding mobile telco.



profile pictureAWS
answered 7 months ago

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