GNINX Proxy Reverse con otro contenedor


Recently I want to deploy my backend application that is in a container and I want to deploy https to it. I am using a gninx proxy for this I create a task definition in awsvpc mode and I put my two containers, 1- my backend and I expose port 3000 which is where 2 runs - the gninx image with the respective ports 443 and 80, when I launch the service with this definition I get this error: Introduce la descripción de la imagen aquí

asi construyo mi contenedor de gninx Introduce la descripción de la imagen aquí

Introduce la descripción de la imagen aquí

The name of my container in the task is backend and gninx as it corresponds to what I define, I don't know what's going on, could you help me, thank you

asked 4 months ago357 views
1 Answer


The connection between the Nginx container and the app should be using localhost:port instead of "container name" and port.

The blog post NGINX reverse proxy sidecar for a web container hosted with Amazon ECS and AWS Fargate explains this with more details.

Hope this helps!

profile pictureAWS
answered 4 months ago

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