Blu Age L3 Workshop - AppStream URL expired - How to recover it?


I am doing the Blu Age L3 workshop and I have reached the Execution step, but when I connected to AppStream today I got an HTTP Error 400, the URL is no longer valid. When I created a new URL, everything I had done disappeared. Please can you confirm if I have to do it all over again, is there any way to recover the work done or the previous URL?

Thank you very much.

1 Answer


You can just create a new Streaming URL from the stack so that you can have a new Appstream Fleet instance running.

Follow these steps:

Please note that Appstream is non-persistent. You will lose all work done on the fleet instance by default, unless you saved your data under the HOME_FOLDER. If so, you can access these data again on your new session (be sure though that you are using the same User ID)

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 months ago

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