Amazon EC2 Maintenance: Instance scheduled for retirement.


Amazon EC2 Maintenance: Instance scheduled for retirement. How can I retrieve the original instance when it is stopped by AWS? How to contact AWS service to assist in temporarily restoring and backing up an instance that has already been stopped? Thanks all

asked a year ago292 views
2 Answers


How can I retrieve the original instance when it is stopped by AWS?

What do you mean by original instance?

Normally, this event requires stopping and starting the instance to move it to a different physical host.

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answered a year ago

Hi Thanks for replying The Original means the stopped Instance. We need it back to restart and then to revert it. Becaure we didn't do any reschedule or restart befor the ending date. Now the instance has been stopped. We can't restart it . So we need it back or anyway can be helped.

answered a year ago

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