Does changing a s3 lifecycle policy change all older objects in an s3 bucket?


I have an s3 life cycle policy using intelligent tiering where objects go to archive after 90 days and then transition to deep glacier after the next 90. And then remain in deep glacier until the retention policy hits at 305 total days.

I'd like to remove the deep glacier rule and let the stuff thats currently on deep glacier age out. But if I remove the deep glacier transition, I'm concerned that all objects already on deep glacier will then hit the archive rule since technically they are over 90 days old, after which all those older objects will transition from deep glacier back to the archive storage tier.

So the question is, what's the behavior: Will only objects turning 90 days old transition to the archive tier and all deep glacier objects can age out, or will ALL objects currently in deep glacier transition back to archive?

asked 2 years ago1.6K views
2 Answers

I would like to inform you that there is no option to apply lifecycle policy to a certain storage class. However if you have versioning enabled and do not have non current version of any objects (that is you have only one version of object) then you can delete the current lifecycle policy and create a new lifecycle policy to expire current version of objects after 305 days and delete the non current version of objects after 1 day. This lifecycle policy will allow you to transition all current version after 305 days to non-current version while deleting it after 1 day of being non current in all storage class. For examples of S3 Lifecycle configuration please refer to below article,

answered 2 years ago

Thanks you for your reply. I do not have versioning enabled and I am aware that the policy doesn't apply to a storage class. I'm wondering if it applies to all objects in the bucket new and old, or does it only apply to objects turning 90 days old? For example, will objects that are already 300 days old be affected by a policy change that transitions objects at 90 days?

answered 2 years ago

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