How to rest location (Australia) and get API keys etc!


Sorry I know this is a basic question but I've never used this service before and am trying to connect to FluentCRM in Wordpress. It didn't generate an API on initial setup as I believe my location needs resetting to Australia. Tried to do this but an ending going around incircles. All Youtude info doesn't cover this. Many thanks Nick

asked a year ago316 views
2 Answers

Hello there. Thank you for your question.

Could you explain a bit more on how you are planning to use FluentCRM with Amazon Location Service? Amazon Location Service doesn't have a default location, are you referring to an AWS Region perhaps?

answered a year ago

Hi I'm trying to set it up to FluentSTMP so I can send emails out from my website. Thought I had it yesterday but it's not working! I've followed the instruction from Fluent but still confusing.

answered a year ago

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