Unable to select region when in billing.


I wanted to see my billing info . But when I logged in to my root account to see the billing I could not get any info . I saw then the region was set to global and assumed I had to change to my region north but all the options for regions were unclickable and gray and dont highlight when I hover over them. and the url is https://us-east-1.console.aws.amazon.com/billing/home?region=eu-north-1#/ even though it stands global.

  • Are you managing you AWS Account using AWS Control Tower?

asked a year ago488 views
2 Answers

There are several answers and comments already that are hinting to a few things I think we should clarify. The Billing "Service" which includes Billing, Cost Explorer, and Budgets are not regional services, but considered global. Therefore, when in those parts of the user interface, you cannot select a region. This should not impact your permissions to see or not see billing data.

If your account is part of an AWS Organization, then your account (even root) may not have permission via IAM, SCP (Security Control Policy) or Control Tower to view billing data. These permissions would need to be requested and allowed from the AWS Organization Admin. If your account is not part of an AWS Organization and is therefore stand-alone, then the root user should be able to see billing data and permissions can also be granted to other IAM/SSO users or Groups to view billing data. [1]

Since we are talking about billing permissions, it should also be noted that the billing permissions will be changing in July 2023 for accounts created before March 2023. Accounts created after March 2023 will already have the new permissions enabled. [2]

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Ok . But I had no problems viewing it yesterday . Why did it suddenly stop? It does not say that I am able to see all the content in tthe billing page I can see for example Current month's total forecast. But for example when I look at the free tier "There is no Free Tier services data available" is shown

  • This is probably due to the change in months. Unfortunately, it is a known symptom of the AWS bills being run that some of the costing data is delayed for the first few days of the month. I would expect you to have the view back by Friday or Saturday. If the data does not come back, I suggest opening a billing support case. To open a case, in the AWS Console, click on the ? with a circle around it and select support center. All support levels are able to open a case for Account&Billing.


If you are unable to view your billing information after logging into your root account and changing the region to your desired region, it's possible that you may not have the necessary permissions to access the billing information. To check your permissions, you can navigate to the IAM (Identity and Access Management) console and verify that your account has the necessary permissions to view billing information. You can also check if there are any billing-related policies attached to your account or IAM user that might be preventing you from accessing the information.

answered a year ago
  • The problem is that I am unable to change the region once I am in the billing page . I am automatically set to global and all the other regions turn gray. I am logged in to my root account so permissions should not be an problem because I have not changed the permissions recently.

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