ECS Fargate suddenly giving failed to find a descriptor for platform errors


Hi Forum,

I have an ECS Fargate cluster and a set of images I build in us-east-1 that were working fine until about 3 hours ago...Now I just get the error:

CannotPullContainerError: failed to find a descriptor for platform {linux/amd64}

I've tried rebuilding the images, shrinking them (700mb -> 300mb) and even destroyed and rebuilt the entire VPC including re-pushing the images. I'm building them with buildah on amd64 linux... so I guess my question is: - is anyone else having problems or got an idea what would suddenly cause this error?

The execution role uses arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy and was working fine earlier.

Edited by: g-formation on Aug 16, 2020 6:10 AM

asked 4 years ago345 views
1 Answer

So it seems the fix for now is to rebuild the image with docker and then it works - looks like something changed on the AWS side over the weekend

answered 4 years ago

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