Execute AWS IOT jobs in parallel on a single thing


Does AWS IOT support parallel execution of AWS IOT Jobs on a single thing? Is it possible to implement the following flows:

  1. AWS IOT client gets a job from the queue.
  2. Client suspends execution of that job (status of the job is IN_PROGRESS)
  3. Client consumes another job from the AWS IOT Jobs queue.

From the AWS documentation, it looks like only one AWS IOT job can have IN_PROGRESS status, and it doesn't support multiple jobs IN_PROGRESS

asked a year ago411 views
1 Answer

Client software (SDKs) may not support parallel handling out of the box.If you need parallel execution of jobs , you may need to implement custom logic on the device to manage job execution concurrency and coordination.

Reference : https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/iot-jobs-lifecycle.html

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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