RDS Aurora Postgres Cluster cannot be modified - stuck at being stopped state


I'm unable to take a snapshot, or upgrade postgres version basically everything because the cluster for some unknown reason is stuck at stopping stage.

I only get this error when I try to make changes to the cluster, if I look at cluster status under database table it shows the status as Available.

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2 Answers

Hello There,

Hope you are doing well.

From your concern, I understand that, you are unable to perform any modification on your Aurora Cluster even when it's in "Available" State and you are facing below error while making any modifications.

DB Cluster is being stopped. 

Regarding your concern, I would kindly like to inform you that, looking at the screenshot shared by you I can see that the cluster is in "Available" state. However, when you perform any modification you are unable to do so and you get above error.

Please note that, the Aurora cluster goes into a stopped state when you explicitly stop it using AWS Console, AWS CLI or SDK. This is a manual action taken by the user to pause the cluster. It won't transition to a stopped state automatically.

As mentioned by you, the cluster is in "Available" state and if you have not manually stopped the cluster. I humbly request you to reach out to RDS Support engineering team as they have the necessary tools to review the concerned resources and permissions to dive deep and provide exact cause of this behaviour.

Have a great day ahead!

answered 10 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 10 months ago
  • I had manually performed a stop request, but the cluster never stopped. It's stuck in this state for days now. I just don't know how to get out of it


Hello Sahil,

From the screenshot, I can see that you are trying to perform major version upgrade of an Aurora serverless v2 cluster. From the console, you are getting "DB Cluster is being stopped." error even when the cluster is available. Hence, could you please try major version upgrade via AWS CLI once and check if you are facing the same error. Below is the command for the same:-

aws rds modify-db-cluster --db-cluster-identifier <cluster-identifier> --engine-version 15.4 --allow-major-version-upgrade --apply-immediately

[+] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/rds/modify-db-cluster.html

Also, can you run below command to check the status of the cluster via AWS CLI:-

aws rds describe-db-clusters --db-cluster-identifier <cluster-identifier>

The status field will show the state of the cluster.

[+] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/rds/describe-db-clusters.html

If you are facing the same issue via CLI. I would suggest you to reach out to RDS support engineering team along with the error that you are facing.

answered 10 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 10 months ago

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