Increasing EBS Volume disk size created a 3rd drive on Windows Disk Management


I have 2 EBS storage volumes attached to a Windows EC2 instance. The volumes were 40gb and 100gb. I increased the 100gb disk to 300 gb, and RDP'ed to the EC2 Windows box ran disk management to allocate the new space to the D drive, but this is what I found instead:

It shows a new drive W that isn't formatted, but has 200gb unallocated to it. Now if I look at the total amount of space available I'd have 40gb (C:/) + 100gb (D:/) + 300gb (W:/)= 440gb!? But in the AWS console I show only 340gb total between 2 EBS volumes. Which brings up the issue that if I format the disk I might be overwriting data because there isn't 440gb allocated. I've tried rebooting the box without success it still shows this extra drive. And I can't find any information about this situation or how to fix it.

asked 2 years ago368 views
1 Answer


Thanks for your post. If the instance type supports instance store volume then it is possible that 3rd drive is "Instance store" [1] volume. You can verify instance type information here [2].

To verify the exact issue, I will request you to open a support case with the resource detail.

answered 2 years ago

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