Are t4g.small instances within free tier after Dec 31st 2023?


On this page is says t4g.small instances are free for up to 750 hours / month until Dec 31st 2023:

However on this page it says 750 hours per month of t4g.small instance dependent on region during the first 12 months:

Since I have several months left on my free tier, can someone assure me I will not be charged for a t4g.small instance after Dec 31st 2023?

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Unfortunately it's only until the end of the year

Q: At the end of the free trial, how will customers be billed for t4g.small instances?

Starting January 1, 2024, customers running on t4g.small instances will be automatically switched from the free trial plan to the On-Demand pricing plan

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • I contacted AWS Support who confirmed your answer.


As per the latest update

, Q: How can customers get access to the T4g free trial? Until December 31, 2024, all AWS customers will be enrolled automatically in the T4g free trial as detailed in the AWS Free Tier. During the free-trial period, customers who run a t4g.small instance will automatically get 750 free hours per month deducted from their bill during each month. The 750 hours are calculated in aggregate across all Regions in which the t4g.small instances are used. Customers must pay for surplus CPU credits when they exceed the instances allocated credits during the 750 free hours of the T4g free trial program. For more information about how CPU credits work, see Key concepts and definitions for burstable performance instances in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.

answered 9 months ago

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