How to restore AWS Aurora serverless v2 cluster from AWS Backups?


I have an AWS Aurora serverless v2 cluster running

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Now additionally I have a point in time backup in AWS Backups setup.

When I try to restore it the instance class by some reason does not allow me to create a serverless v2 cluster

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Could you help me how I can restore a serverless v2 cluster.

2 Answers


You always restore using a provisioned instance, after that you can add a serverless read replica and do a failover so it becomes a writer. Then you can remove the initial instance.


answered 3 months ago

I have tried to replicate this, but my restore console for a PITR in the backup section actually has "Serverless V2"

Enter image description here

The layout also looks very different to yours - which region are you performing this in?

answered 3 months ago
  • @Max Clements, many thanks for your input. I also see that panel, but only when I try to do a restore from the RDS panel.

    However, I am referring to do a restore from the AWS Backup panel. Can you do it there as well?

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