CI/CD pipeline and tools for on-prem workflow


Hi AWS, I have a workflow which I need to automate as it is having issues of downtime very often i.e.

  1. There are smart meters which are collecting IoT data and sending it to a Gateway using Radio Frequency. The meters are having a mesh architecture.
  2. The Gateway is connected to Internet Gateway which is connected to Public load balancer.
  3. The load balancer then passes the data to the broker service MQTT which is in a private network and the MQTT is running in the Active Passive mode (Blue/Green Deployment). These brokers are running on the Ubuntu machine.
  4. The broker service is connected to Internal/Private Load Balancer which further redirects to an XYZ system which is running on Windows machine. This is also in Active/Passive Mode and here some background services are also running along with data coming from the meter.
  5. The XYZ system is connected to a DB cluster (MS SQL Server) which is again running in active passive mode which is having a standby DB instance for Higher Availability.
  6. There is another public load balancer as indicated in point 2 which is connected to a Web server (IIS Apache) responsible for running API(s) and some other applications. It is a windows machine and sending data to the DB cluster.
  7. The data is going in a push/pull mechanism and there are cases where the data is lost if the packet size is too large.
  8. Also there is one Device Management system running on an Ubuntu machine in the public network which is responsible for monitoring.

Firstly, I want to know is there any scope how to improve this architecture by considering all the components I mentioned above. Secondly, I want to implement this on-prem for now not AWS so don't feel offended :). Last but not the least, I need to which all suite of tools can be handy in building CI/CD pipeline for this.

If there will be an example pipeline for something similar it would be great if someone can share the link.


1 Answer

I’m confused with this. You mention that you’re having issues with having lots of down time and you explain how it’s all setup.

It’s also mentioned you’d like to set it up on PREM and not AWS.

Is it setup already and where? Where’s the downtime occurring? At which layer?

As for CI/CD it depends what you’re trying to achieve.

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answered a year ago
  • We have this workflow on-prem and it is running manually as of now. I have to implement this using CI/CD so I need to know which all things I need to know along with the suite of tools. There is a similar architecture for AWS as well but that has time to be implemented. Hope it makes sense now.

  • @Gary Mclean, the workflow is setup but everything is manual as of now. It's the Application layer I believe. Our first task is implementing the CI/CD pipeline at the on-prem level and then at AWS. Any suggestions please help!

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