Question about Amazon RDS and unknown cost


I posted question about unknown cost that i have to pay a few days ago, and got an answer from the AWS support, but could not sort out the problem. My Bill details shows that the cost i need to pay occured at RDS, but i have no idea why the cost keeps increasing everyday. I followed the directions to see if there is an existing RDS in AWS console, but i cannot find any. The bill shows RDS at Asia Pacific (Seoul) Provisioned Storage caused $0.06 and RDS Backup Storage caued $0.01. Even, active regions were 13 yesterday but i found out that it is 16 now today. In Amazon RDS console at all regions, i cannot find any database instance. Instead, if i go to both paramter group and option group, i am able to find there is a default:mysql-8-0. Once i tried to delete this, it shows an error saying status code:400, invalid db parameter group state.

can anyone please help me?

1 Answer

Have you also verified any snapshots or automated backups? The costs you indicated are not for the RDS service, rather they seem to be the cost of backup or snapshot storage. Delete the snapshots and any automated backups you see in the RDS console.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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