Inherited a deleted storage gateway with tapes


I've recently inherited an old unused Storage Gateway with a couple of tapes. The gateway itself is Offline and the VM it was from has long since been deleted. There is a notice that the gateway is running deprecated software. When I view tapes there are 2 old tapes left in there with a status of "Retrieved". Is there any way to remove these?

Currently we're paying for storage that we can neither delete nor remove.

Any suggestions would be gratefully received!

asked 25 days ago78 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

You will need to disable the gateway, delete the tapes, delete the gateway and then delete the archived tapes (if desired). Here are the steps involved with the corresponding AWS CLI commands:

  1. Disable the gateway

aws storagegateway disable-gateway --gateway-arn <gatewayARN>

  1. After the gateway is disabled, delete the tapes retrieved to that gateway. This should transition the tapes back to archived state (from retrieved state)

aws storagegateway delete-tape --tape-arn <tapeARN> --gateway-arn <gatewayARN>

  1. After the tapes are deleted, delete the gateway

aws storagegateway delete-gateway --gateway-arn <gatewayARN>

  1. If you do not want to retain the archived tapes, you can delete them

aws storagegateway delete-tape-archive --tape-arn <tapeARN>

answered 24 days ago
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reviewed 24 days ago
  • That's cleared it out. Thanks very much



Have you tried deleting it using the steps in the document below?

If the tape you want to delete from your Tape Gateway has a status of RETRIEVED, you must first eject the tape using your backup application before deleting the tape. For instructions on how to eject a tape using the Symantec NetBackup software, see Archiving the Tape. After the tape is ejected, the tape status changes back to ARCHIVED. You can then delete the tape.

You can change the status from "RETRIEVED" to "ARCHIVED" by following the steps in the document below.
I think you can delete it once it reaches the "ARCHIVED" status.

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answered 25 days ago
  • Thanks for the reply Riku - yes I did come across the first document- thanks for the second. We're using Veeam and the two tapes aren't showing in there so I don't have an option to change them to ARCHIVED. Is there any way to change them when they're not accessible from our backup software though? I also couldn't see a way to change the storage gateway they are using (there's a new one in use now).

  • Is it possible to obtain it using the steps in the document below?

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