Transferring server to aws on wp (backup and recovery)


Hello, I'm trying to build a WordPress server, and I'm trying to transfer the server from another server using aws on wp to aws lightsail. I built the site by referring to the guide, but it seemed like the duplicated files were copied to a new IP, a trial version. I want to clone the IP of the WordPress site I built on lightsail. What should I do? Also, I'm curious where I can find the administrator ID and password for the trial version IP.

1 Answer


Is it possible for you to share the guides and documents you referenced?

but it seemed like the duplicated files were copied to a new IP, a trial version.

Is the new IP the Lightsail IP address?
Is it correct that I want to migrate the IP address I was originally using to Lightsail?
In that case, if you were originally using Lightsail's StacicIP, I think it would be possible to just change it to a new Lightsail instance, but if the source was running on something other than a Lightsail instance, you probably won't be able to migrate the IP address.

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answered 8 months ago

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