Sending Route 53 DNS query alarm to Telegram or Slack


Hi guys, I have a requirement that I need the CloudWatch Alarm to send notification to my Telegram or Slack if the Route 53 DNS query is larger than 1 million query per day. In detail, I would like to be notified via Telegram or Slack if the number of DNS queries in my Route 53 Public Hosted Zone is larger than 1 million queries. After a day, the query metric will be reset to 0 and CloudWatch will keep on tracking this metric condition and send alarm. I think the architecture is Cloudwatch —> SNS —> Lambda —> Slack/Telegram. However, I don't know how to configure step by step and how to code the Lambda function.
If you know the solution, please don't hesitate to share with me. Thanks

1 Answer

If you only want to use Slack, you can use AWS Chatbot to send notifications without Lambda.

However, Telegram is not supported, so notifications here must be sent via Lambda.

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answered a year ago

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