Is the sessionId in PutEvent related to the session in the HRNN model?


Is the sessionId field in PutEvent related to the session in the Session-based HRNN model?
Is it used only for associating events with a user before they log in?

asked 3 years ago254 views
1 Answer

Hey hdseo,

The sessionID is a required field associated with a user's session, it is not related to the session of the HRNN model. Yes, it is used to view a users behavior if they are not logged in and is a better identifier than one that is only visible when a user is logged in.

The userID, for example, is not a required Field, but can be used for the identifier of the user in this current session (if they are logged in).

That's the way I understand it.

Hope that helps.

answered 3 years ago

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