Having issues selecting columns in Timestream->Scheduled query - Can't save the query


My scheme looks like this: Dimensions:

  • Department
  • Organization
  • SubDepartment
  • WorkCenter
  • measure_name


  • time


  • measure_value::double
  • measure_value::bigint

I keep getting the error:

'measure_name' is reserved word for Timestream and cannot be used as dimension name.

If I change measure_name to a measure then I get:

MultiMeasureAttributeMapping at index 0 with TargetMultiMeasureName 'measure_value::double' field of measure mapping at index 0 contains a reserved prefix for Timestream.

If I leave it unassigned I get:

Invalid table schema

One or more columns in the destination table schema have undefined attributes. A Timestream attribute type must be set for each column.

This looks like a bug in the saved wizard query to me.

asked 2 years ago1643 views
1 Answer

I had this when doing a SELECT * statement (therefore it includes the measure_value column), try limiting the sql columns with a:

SELECT <column1>, <column2>

etc.. (but not including the measure_value column)

Otherwise, if you've added the column measure_value yourself to the table, this should be renamed as its a reserved column name.. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/timestream/latest/developerguide/ts-limits.html#limits.system_identifier

answered 2 years ago
  • Thanks for that. I am really confused. On this page there is a query that uses "measurement_name" and a where filter: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/database/effective-queries-for-common-query-patterns-in-amazon-timestream/

    I have two different values in "measurement_name" - "V1" and "V2". How do I only get measurements for "V2"?

  • Unfortunately measure_name is a reserved column name (including any column names that start with measure_name)

    So if you added data to the column measure_name you'll need to rename the column (awkwardly I think you'll need to delete the table entirely and repopulate a new table with the column called something different to do this)..

    The same is true for the column measure_value

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