Hacker got into my AWS account. How can I nuke the account? [RESOLVED]



Roughly 13 hours ago my AWS account got hacked into, and my email address being used for it got changed to kkezwipfqdl9046@gmail.com. I saw the email for this three hours ago, and immediately changed my password that's used elsewhere and cancelled the credit card tied to the AWS account. For peace of mind, I'd like to fully delete this account before any information held within it is used for other malicious purposes. How can I go about doing this? I cannot merely sign on and change the password as the email address for the account got changed.

UPDATE I followed what the user 'Liberty Brands' said in this thread (https://repost.aws/questions/QUuB6WnPtbSHGeQ8vQjBVqNA/root-account-hacked-and-email-changed) and was able to get my account back

asked 2 years ago413 views
1 Answer


Open a support request using this form: https://support.aws.amazon.com/#/contacts/aws-account-support

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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