RDS stuck at deleting state


Its about two weeks that my RDS instance is stuck at migrating and deleting status. Tried to deleted it using the CLI but got the same problem

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1 Answer

Hello @adrianosmateus

Thanks for posting in re:Post

If your Amazon RDS DB instance is stuck in the modifying state, consider the following approaches:

Retrieve the Recent events for your Amazon RDS resources from the AWS Management Console to check the current state of your DB instance. The Recent events log displays events from the past 24 hours. For more information about the Recent events log, see Viewing Amazon RDS events. Check the Amazon RDS MySQL error logs to verify the status of your DB engine. Amazon RDS MySQL writes mysql-error.log entries to disk every five minutes. RDS MySQL appends the contents of the log to the mysql-error-running.log file when you view your log file.

  1. Reset all the parameters in the associated parameter group to their default values
  2. change the values of customized parameters that you know are causing the issue

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answered 2 years ago

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