AWS Personalize SDK - CreateSolutionVersion command: Callback hook for when status changes to 'Active'


Is there a way that I can provide a callback function that executes when a solution version changes state to 'active' ?

Currently, my system successfully creates a new solution version, but I want to automatically do additional processing elsewhere when the solution version is active.

I have looked over the following documentation articles:

The only way that I can currently think about solving this is using setTimeout (for let's say 15 minutes), calling DescribeSolutionVersion, if status is active -> doAdditionalProcessing() else -> setTimeout for another 15 minutes.

Is there a better way of going about this? I am new to AWS I apologize if this is trivial

asked 2 years ago240 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Currently there is not a built-in way to register a callback with asynchronous Personalize APIs such as CreateSolutionVersion. The typical integration pattern to detect when a solution version becomes "active" is to poll the DescribeSolutionVersion API, as you mentioned. Wrapping this processing in AWS Step Functions is a common way of encapsulating this functionality.

The Maintaining Personalized Experiences with Machine Learning solution provides the ability to trigger and schedule workflows around Personalize processes such as importing data, creating solutions versions, updating campaigns, running batch jobs, etc. It also fires events to Amazon EventBridge when asynchronous events complete (i.e. become "active") which you can subscribe to to trigger your own workflows.

answered 2 years ago

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