I need to shut down services - no credits and now money available


I don't know how to completely shut down some EC2 and VPC services - they keep popping up

Should I just delete my account?

3 Answers

You can delete the account, but it is too dramatic solution. If your EC2 keep poping up , you probably have some auto scaling group that spins up EC2 instance total quantity drops to zero. Autoscale group is doing it by design to provide resilient and scalable environment. Make sure that you don't have autoscaling group enabled. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/autoscaling/ec2/userguide/auto-scaling-groups.html

answered a month ago

Before considering drastic measures like deleting your account, I recommend exploring some strategies to identify and terminate the persistent resources. Then I advise you to utilize the AWS Management Console:

  • EC2 Dashboard: Navigate to the EC2 dashboard and: Terminate Instances: Select the running instances and choose "Terminate." Stop Instances: For temporary shutdown, select "Stop."
  • VPC Dashboard: Examine your VPCs for: Internet Gateways: Detach them from VPCs and delete them. Route Tables: Remove unnecessary routes and delete empty tables. Security Groups: Revoke unnecessary inbound and outbound rules and delete unused groups. Network ACLs: Modify rules to block unwanted traffic and delete unused ACLs. NAT Gateways: Detach them and delete them.
profile picture
answered a month ago

Hi there,

If the guidance above still did not resolve your concerns, please reach out to the Account & Billing team via our Support Center.

They're available to answer any billing related questions, including how to terminate your resources.

- Zain P.

answered a month ago

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