Can't access my personal workspace from any client


I am a single personal user and today created a basic workspace and have been unable to connect to it from any client. I have tried the web client and the Windows client on multiple machines and browsers. All platforms and web access are set to allowed. The Windows client connects and immediately disconnects with no errors. The web client tries to connect and then displays this error "Unexpected error encountered during streaming. Please try again after some time. If the problem persists, contact your WorkSpaces administrator."

asked 24 days ago256 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Check WorkSpace Status =>Check the status of your WorkSpace. It should be in a "Running" state. If it's in "Stopped" or "Stopping" state, start it. Network Configuration =>Ensure that your WorkSpace is in a VPC and subnet that has proper network access. The subnet should have a route to an internet gateway or a NAT gateway if you're using the web client. Security Groups =>Verify that the security group associated with your WorkSpace allows inbound and outbound traffic on the necessary ports: Port 4172 (PCoIP) Port 4195 (WSP - WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol) Ports 53, 80, 443 (for internet access)

Verify Authentication and User Credentials =>Directory Service: Ensure your directory service (AD Connector, Simple AD, or AWS Managed Microsoft AD) is functioning correctly and that your WorkSpace is properly joined to the directory. Verify your user credentials and ensure they are correct.

answered 23 days ago
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reviewed 23 days ago
  • Thank you. I ended up deleting the workspace and the directory that was created with the Quick Setup wizard. The wizard apparently improperly configured several settings as when I created everything manually it works like a charm.

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