Supplement managed policy for PowerUserAccess that also allows role assumptions


I'm setting up AWS IAM Identity Center permission sets and granted a PowerUserAccess.

Which on paper sounded like a great option:

Provides full access to AWS services and resources, but does not allow management of users and groups.

But it seems to also prohibit role assumptions.

AccessDeniedException: User: arn:aws:sts::x:assumed-role/AWSReservedSSO_LocalDevelopment_b6cd964af9327696/... is not authorized to perform: iam:PassRole on resource: arn:aws:iam::xyz:role/foo

Is there a better policy for the use case of "almost admin access, but no IAM user creation"?

Is there a supplement policy to PowerUserAccess that can allow role assumptions?

I know I can do an inline policy too, but wanted to avoid that.

3 Answers
Accepted Answer

In the end the solution was to use this:

And directly add another principal policy to allow role assume.

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answered 23 days ago


If you just want to attach a created IAM role to an AWS resource, you can attach the IAM role by allowing "iam:PassRole" as shown in the error message.
So please try creating a custom policy like the one below or adding an inline policy.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "iam:PassRole",
            "Resource": "*"
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answered 24 days ago

The error message you got is not because the role with that policy can't do role assumptions. It is because the action you are taking requires the current role/user has "PassRole" permission. You are 'passing a role for an AWS service to assume'.

Many services require that permission when you want that service to use a role you configure. For example, you might be launching an instance assigning that instance the role of "arn:aws:iam::xyz:role/foo". EC2 requires you to have the permission to do "PassRole" on "foo". The PowerUserAccess does not include the permission of PassRole. You can define a additional custom policy (like the example Riku_Kobayashi gave) and use that in the PermissionSet. You should be very careful with that custom policy so that people won't be abusing it to escalate permissions, for example pass a more powerful role to an EC2 instance and then escalate from there. Instead of using "*" as in Riku's example, put in more specific resources and use conditions like iam:PassedToService to limit what services to allow roles to be passed to (see some examples in the user doc below).

For explanation of the concept and how to use PassRole, refer to

answered 23 days ago

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