Leveraging EMR Studio and AWS Athena with IDC and Trusted Identity Propagation - Data Source is S3 Access Point


Still its not working and i dont even know if the TIP enabled Athena via EMR studio is supposed to work with an S3 Access Point.

Any feedback is very welcome.

1 Answer


double check that EMR Studio is working fine with your IAM stage: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/emr/latest/ManagementGuide/emr-idc.html

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answered a month ago
  • I can confirm that this is not the issue.

    The questions in my mind are, in addition to the 'normal' setup (I can ListObject or GetObject via the AP, if i assume the role, that is registered as data lake location in LakeFormation) So the issue must be somehwere in the policies maybe. Or maybe its simply not supported?

    • How do i have to define the Access Point Policy
    • How do i have to define the Bucket Policy
    • Anything special to do in LakeFormation

    Thanks and BR

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