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Help: Certificate for domain failed - Additional Verification Required


My backend is currently accessible, and I think this failed certificate may be a cause as I have not noticed it failed prior. I don't have AWS support in my plan so was prompted to post here. The domain which the certifiication is failing for ends with "" if that helps at all

asked a year ago284 views
1 Answer


"" is a domain managed by AWS.
Therefore, ACM cannot issue certificates.
ACM can only issue SSL certificates for domains that you have purchased yourself.
Another method is to create a self-certificate and import it into ACM, but it is not recommended from a security perspective.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • Thank you for clarifying, the lack of certification here was not the issue after all! I just didn't add my instance as a target under my load balancer, thanks for the quick response!

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