upload file to aws


Hi, I'm very new to backups and all aws. I can't figure out how to upload the files to the cloud And I read the information posted on the site. Every backup software has an option to search for files to upload and here I do not find

  • Hi, can you provide more information. Which service are you using? You can try uploading your file to an S3 bucket then use that file within other AWS services, but AWS services have different rules on how to access files stored in S3

  • An additional question for you: What are you trying to back up?

asked 2 years ago295 views
1 Answer

If you are looking at backing up your on-prem files to AWS, there are multiple tools AWS provides for the same. To get an overview of these different services, refer to this page - https://aws.amazon.com/cloud-data-migration/

Once you have an overview level understanding, you can dive deep into each of the products. What tool is the right tool depends on a number of factors. If you can provide more specific details around your requirements, it will help us answer the specific questions.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • As I wrote I want to upload files from my computer to the cloud such as documents and other files. And later after I understand I would also like to back up my clients separately and manage their backups from a control center

  • In addition to the documents and pictures files that I back up in the cloud I need to be synchronized with my local computer and any changes I make will be synchronized in aws

  • If you want files to be backed up on Amazon S3 but also want those files to be available from on-prem, then the best solution for that is the File Gateway. Take a look at the documentation for File Gateway here - https://aws.amazon.com/storagegateway/file/s3/

    As mentioned in the FAQs https://aws.amazon.com/storagegateway/faqs, there are a few options on how you can deploy the File Gateway - "On-premises, you can deploy a virtual machine containing the Storage Gateway software on VMware ESXi, Microsoft Hyper-V, or Linux KVM, or you can deploy Storage Gateway as a hardware appliance. You can also deploy the Storage Gateway VM in VMware Cloud on AWS, or as an AMI in Amazon EC2"

    Also will appreciate if you can accept my answer. Thanks

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