How to add an image to WorkMail signature block?


Hello. Is it possible to add an image to my WorkMail signature block? In my signature block, I want to add professional certification logos beneath my name and phone number. I've tried copying and pasting the images, with no luck. When I select the "add image" icon, it requires a URL. The images are on my computer, so I do not have a URL.

asked a year ago911 views
1 Answer

Are you using Web Console Workmail or Outlook Workmail ?

Can you try the below with the Web Console and let us know where you are stuck?

  1. Login to your Workmail console.
  2. You'll need to click on the gear sign on the top right.
  3. You'll get the screen to add the signature and you can for instance add company logo or other images in the signature.

Also, I would try with a publicly hosted image to ensure the url works fine, for instance: You'll need to add an URL with the image you want to add and save, prefer using PNG files.

To host your image, you can upload your signature image to S3 bucket and make that object/image public. To make an individual object public, you can follow these steps:

  1. From the Amazon S3 console, choose the bucket with the object that you want to update.
  2. Navigate to the folder that contains the object.
  3. Open the object by choosing the link on the object name.
  4. Choose the Permissions tab.
  5. Choose Edit. (if edit option is grayed out, you may need to turn off following public access a. Block public access to buckets and objects granted through new access control lists (ACLs) b. Block public access to buckets and objects granted through any access control lists (ACLs))
  6. In the Everyone section, select Objects Read.
  7. Select I understand the effects of these changes on this object.
  8. Choose Save changes. See for more information.

Instructions for outlook workmail :

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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