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Options to accelerate s3 copy of 4TB worth files between S3 buckets in same region


A customer has S3 bucket that contains 12.2 million files which totals to 4TB data. Most of the files in the bucket are less than a few MB. All of the files are in one folder. They have to move these files from one bucket to another. They said last time they tried it took them days to transfer. They are looking ways to reduce the copy time.

One recommendation could be to batch and compress (using tar, zip, etc) the files before transfer. In that case, Is there any approximate ideal size we can recommend?

Also, are there any other/additional solutions that we can recommend to reduce the time to transfer data between buckets in same region.

asked 4 years ago974 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Check out:

Using S3DistCp, you can efficiently copy large amounts of data from Amazon S3 into HDFS where it can be processed by subsequent steps in your Amazon EMR cluster. You can also use S3DistCp to copy data between Amazon S3 buckets or from HDFS to Amazon S3. S3DistCp is more scalable and efficient for parallel copying large numbers of objects across buckets and across AWS accounts.

answered 4 years ago

You can parallelize your copying process with the aws s3 cli, using sync and --exclude and --include. For example, if all your files are in one folder, you might break them down by the letter of the alphabet they are starting with or some other scheme that you know will distribute them in parts.

Performance is better when the the "prefixes" of the url are well distributed, so it will be better if all files are in the "top folder", not in some sub folder.

I used this method to transfer 280000 images for someone and recall that each aws s3 sync process needed about 1/3 of a CPU, so was using a 4 core server to run around 10 processes in parallel.

answered 3 years ago

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