AWS Personalize - Not able to set bptt and hidden dimensions explicitly through GUI


Hi, I am trying to train an Amazon Personalize Item recommendation solution using User Personalization recipe. I am trying to set the BPTT value explicitly to 6 and hidden dimension to 133. When I say create solution, these parameters are getting reset to 32 and 149. If I make the perfrom HPO as TRUE, these values are not defaulting to 32 and 149, different value is getting suggested.

asked 2 years ago231 views
1 Answer

Thanks for reporting the issue. Service team is aware of this issue and currently working on a fix. As of now, the tentative date for deploying the fix is by the end of this month (02/28/2022). In the meantime, you can still use APIs to create solution with hyperparameters you want to set.

answered 2 years ago

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