Huge Increase in SPAM


I have noticed a serious increase in SPAM coming in over the last few months, but today the SPAM emails have been coming in every few seconds. Most are titled "Mail Delivery System" but others are entirely random. This is unbearable. How to make this stop?

asked 2 years ago399 views
3 Answers

I work for AWS and I use WorkMail for personal reasons (I am not an expert though so take this with a grain of salt). I have migrated from a hosted company and my experience is that spam has been reduced since (I have been on WM for about 2 months now). I did see a surge of "Mail Delivery System" spam for roughly 3 weeks (I have never seen those before). They were landing in my inbox and not even captured in the spam filter. For me it just stopped completely last week and I haven't been receiving those anymore. I did not do anything (and I am not sure anything can be done).

answered 2 years ago

Same. The spam has been so bad that I tried to use a 3rd party spam filtering service. But then WorkMail was blocking valid messages from the spam service. At this point, I accept the fact that WorkMail is incapable of filtering spam at a decent level and am migrating all of my mailboxes to one of the other big common email players.

answered 2 years ago

I'm experiencing the same problem, and even worse valid senders are flagged as spam, like from

I've opened a support case for this reason with a developer support plan that I've subscribed for the sole purpose to get some help for WorkMail.

My understanding is that there's not a mean to report spam, except if it's originating from the AWS infrastructure, and that's a pity, because managing spam with inbound rules is just madness! Or even worse, using some external Security Gateway for a functionality that is marketed as included in Amazon WorkMail would be a huge waste of money.

answered 2 years ago

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