Cloud quest: image and video analysis - step 52


The code on cloud quest image and video analysis ML & AI seems to have a problem. I am on step 52 I have attempted many times to upload the airplane image and I keep getting a Rekognition response Json as an error airplane image not found. The S3 bucket is set up correctly and the Event notification also works. I uploaded the code and after changing the LABEL to 'airplane' I deployed the code. Can anyone point me in the right direction I am not sure what I am doing wrong.

asked a year ago262 views
1 Answer

If you've made sure that your AWS S3 bucket is correctly set up, and the event notifications are working, then the problem might be elsewhere.

Here are a few things that you might want to consider:

  1. Check Image Location: Ensure the image is properly uploaded into the correct S3 bucket. You can confirm this by manually checking your S3 bucket in the AWS Management Console. Remember, AWS S3 bucket names are globally unique, so ensure you're checking the correct one.

  2. Check Image Name: The image name should match exactly with the name you're using in your code. Remember, AWS S3 is case sensitive.

  3. Verify Image Format: Ensure the image is in a format that AWS Rekognition can process. AWS Rekognition supports JPEG and PNG image formats.

  4. Check IAM Policies: Verify your AWS IAM roles and policies. Ensure the role attached to your Lambda function has necessary permissions to access the S3 bucket and use the Rekognition service.

  5. Inspect Your Code: If all the above checks out, there might be an issue with your code. Ensure you are correctly referencing the image and using the AWS SDK functions properly.

  6. Error Messages: Finally, pay attention to the error messages you're receiving, they usually provide hints about what's going wrong. If the error is "airplane image not found", it suggests that either the image doesn't exist where your code is looking for it, or the access permissions are insufficient.

Remember that you can also use AWS CloudWatch to debug your AWS Lambda function, this might provide further insight into what is going wrong.

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answered a year ago

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