What will happen to the Aurora Serverless V1 cluster when it reaches EOL on December 31, 2024?


I tried to find an official document, but there are no documents mentioning what will happen next. Will it automatically scale down to 0 and stop, or will AWS upgrade every cluster to V2?

asked a month ago66 views
1 Answer

Starting on or after 12:00 PM PST on December 31, 2024, If your Amazon Aurora Serverless v1 cluster has not been upgraded, Amazon Aurora will automatically upgrade your Amazon Aurora Serverless v1 cluster to Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 during your next scheduled cluster maintenance window. If your Aurora Serverless v1 cluster is running an engine version that is not available for Aurora Serverless v2, it will be upgraded to an engine version compatible with Aurora Serverless v2.

profile pictureAWS
answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

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