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Troubleshoot Unable to get table definition for table '0' cause by a DDL command (cant find the DDL in the logs)



Im currently using DMS and got the following message 2022-10-30T09:40:03 [SOURCE_CAPTURE ]E: Unable to get table definition for table '0' [1021802] (oracle_endpoint_capture.c:759)

and found the following info I was looking towards enabling source capture for DDL commands in SOURCE_CAPTURE

Im looking towards a way to enable trace only for ddl commands (traceDdlChanges?) to dump the exact command which failed. Activating full debug trace for SOURCE_CAPTURE is not an option at all. Too much verbose for an event that may happen very occasionally

I couldnt find any further information


1 Answer

hello, you may extract the table DDL from both source and target side to see the difference in the DDL structure and identify the change and source of change to take care in future changes via deployments or manual code change windows.

answered a year ago

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