Bug in AWS Console preventing Cloudfront setup with domain after transfering domain between Companies



I just purchased a specific domain from another company. If you have access to my account, it is the mostly recently added domain (the domain is 14 characters, including the ".com").

I use AWS for hosting and so does the other company. We successfully transfered the domain to my Route 53 from their Route 53 no problem. I was also able to get a ACM Cert for this domain in my account.

The prior company had the domain associated with a Cloudfront, and I would also like to associate it with a Cloudfront too.

However, when I go to associate it with a Cloudfront, the AWS console says it cannot associate it with my cloudfront because it is already associated with another resources.

I am fairly confident this is a bug in the AWS console because there is no other resource in my account that the domain is associated with - the other cloudfront resource is in the prior company's account, which should not be affecting anything in my account.


asked a year ago260 views
1 Answer

This is expected behavior and not a bug on the AWS console. The domain in Route 53 is independent of the domain in Cloudfront. The alternate domain name for a Cloudfront distribution needs to be unique. When you try to add an alternate domain name to a Cloudfront distribution but the alternate domain name is already in use on a different distribution(across any AWS Account), you get a CNAMEAlreadyExists error (One or more of the CNAMEs you provided are already associated with a different resource).

There is a process you can follow the move the domain from source distribution to a target distribution. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/DeveloperGuide/CNAMEs.html#alternate-domain-names-move

Hope this helps

answered a year ago
  • I understand that, but how can I CNAME the domain with a cloudfront in my AWS account? I have no access to the other company's AWS account. They don't own the domain anymore, so there's no point in having it attached to their cloudfront.

    Are you saying the only way is to contact the other company?

  • In that case, you have 2 options.

    1. If the source distribution in the other company's account is DISABLED, then it is a self-serviceable process. You can follow these steps that is mentioned here under "Use associate-alias to move an alternate domain name" https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/DeveloperGuide/CNAMEs.html#alternate-domain-names-move-associate-alias

    PS: There is no way for you to know if the source distribution is in DISABLED state, so its a one time trial and error process.

    1. If option 1 does not work, you can work with AWS Support to assist in moving the domain to your distribution. They would need to verify if you own the domain, for which you would need to create TXT record in Route 53. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/DeveloperGuide/CNAMEs.html#alternate-domain-names-move-contact-support
  • Hey,

    Thank you for the suggestions.

    Just tried 1, it didin't work unfortunately.

    1. I don't have a paid tier of support in my AWS account, so I can't reach out to support. If this is the only way, can you help me out here?

    Much appriciated, Ryan

  • Hey Ketan - Any update here? I'd love to use AWS for this domain. However, I cannot associate the domain with a Cloudfront instance, and I don't have access to the other company's AWS to disassociate the domain. I would be forced to use an alternative service like GCP here.

    Can you help?

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