How to run NET 6 Service in AWS?


A potential customer has a working RDS PostgreSQL database and legacy WinForms client applications. All work fine. But now they want to re-make the system. The idea is: new Client-> new AWS based service ()->existing RDS I suggested to develop the service as NET 6/7 Service. My question: How can I publish the service to AWS? Can it work with the existing RDS?

asked 2 years ago472 views
1 Answer

There are several hosting options for .NET 6 on AWS, first you can use IIS on EC2 Windows or use AWS Elastic Beanstalk without defining RDS as part of the stack so it would use the existing RDS instance. Another option is to use AWS App Runner to host your code inside a container. If you containerize your .NET 6/7 code then you can also use ECS or EKS and finally therer are ways to create a .NET service using AWS Lambda function and API Gateway. In any case using the existing RDS instance is possible by using Npgsql with/without entity framework core and making sure that your service is able to reach the DB.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • Thank you. About the 3rd way: what connection string should I use in Lambda NET to connect RDS? Can it be the same as I use now in my WinForms local app: server, db, user, password?

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